The Kills - Ticket Man (First Version) Chords and Tabs

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The Kills - Ticket Man (First Version)

The Kills - Ticket Man (First Version) Chords / Tabs

The Kills - Ticket Man First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) The Kills. Other chords and tabs for the "Ticket Man" can find at the bottom of the page.


Tuning: B F# B E G# C# (Tune to drop D and then tune everything three half-steps lower.
is to get the low, bassy tone which Jamies's got.)

This is originally played on a piano. The notes are simply A, E and D (descending).

But now we are using a guitar, so play this throughout the song:

E |-------------------------|
B |-------------------------|
B |-----------5~-------3~---|

Really simple.

Good luck!
Please e-mail or comment suggestions etc...

| ^  bend
| /  slide up
|   slide down
| h  hammer-on
| p  pull-off
| ~  let ring
| +  harmonic
| x  Mute note
