Chris Cornell - As Hope And Promise Fade (First Version) Chords and Tabs

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Chris Cornell - As Hope And Promise Fade (First Version)

Chris Cornell - As Hope And Promise Fade (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Chris Cornell - As Hope And Promise Fade First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Chris Cornell. Other chords and tabs for the "As Hope And Promise Fade" can find at the bottom of the page.


e -0--------------0---------0------------|
B -0--------------0---------0------------|
G -0--0-----------0---------0------------|
D -2----2-0-0h2---2---------2--0-2-------|
A -2--------------2--0--2---2------0--2--|
E -0--------------0---------0------------|

1st verse:

e -0---0----0---------------0-----0-----0--------------|
B -0---1----0---------------0-----1-----0--------------|
G -0---2----0------- -------0-----2-----0--------------|
D -2---2----2---2-2-0-0h2---2-----2--2--2--2--2--0--0h2|
A -2---0----2---------------2-----0-----2--------------|
E -0---0----0---------------0-----0-----0--------------|

e -0---0---3---0---0-----0-----0----0---0---x---x------|
B -0---1---3---0---1-----0h1---0----0---0---x---x------|
G -0---0---0---0---2-----2-----0----0---0---x---x------|
D -2---2---0---2---2-----2-----2----0---2---x---x------|
A -2---3---2---2---0-----0-----2----2---2---x---x------|
E -0---0---3---0---0-----0-----0----0---0---x---x------|

2nd verse:

e -------0-------------0----0---|
B -------0-------------0----1---|
G -------0--0----------0----2---|
D -0h2---2----2-0-0h2--2----2---|
A -------2-------------2----0---|
E -------0-------------0----0---|

e -0---0---3---0---0-----0-----0---0---0---------------------|
B -0---1---3---0---1-----0h1---0---0---0---------------------|
G -0---0---0---0---2-----2-----0---0---0--0------------------|
D -2---2---0---2---2-----2-----2---0---2----2--0--0h2--------|
A -2---3---2---2---0-----0-----2---2---2---------------------|
E -0---0---3---0---0-----0-----0---0---0---------------------|

3rd verse

e -0---0---0-----0---3---3------0----0----0|
B -1---0---0-----1---3---3------1----0----1|
G -0---0---0-----0---0---0------0----0----2|
D -2---2---0h2---2---0---0------2----2----2|
A -3---2---2-----3---2---0h2----3----2----0|
E -0---0---0-----0---3---3------0----0----0|

Final verse

e -0---0-------------0----0----0-------------|
B -1---0-------------0----1----0-------------|
G -2---0--0----------0----2----0--0----------|
D -2---2----2-0-0h2--2----2----2----2-0-0h2--|
A -0---2-------------2----0----2-------------|
E -0---0-------------0----0----0-------------|

e -0---0---2---0---0---0---0|
B -1---0---0---1---0---1---0|
G -0---0---2---2---0---2---0|
D -2---2---1---2---2---2---2|
A -3---2---2---0---2---0---2|
E -0---0---0---0---0---0---0|


1st verse -

As hope and promise fade
And the sun forgets to rise
I’m lonely and I’m thirsty
But it’s better I stay dry
No more than two drinks away

2nd verse -

Stare into the glass
And wait for the time to pass
And thank you for the offer
But you know I must decline
Never more than two drinks awawy

3rd verse

There used to be a time
When I could hold me head up high
My life layed out before me
Rivers flow with wine
I had my love beside me
And everything was fine
But now the ride is over
It’s hard to say goodbye

Final verse

As hope and promise fade
And midnight turns to day
Well I’m tired and I’m thirsty
But it’s better I stay dry
Never more than two drinks away

In addition to Chords / Tabs Chris Cornell - As Hope And Promise Fade (First Version), we offer an excerpt from a random book.It is believed that Bach himself was not against such a project, and the case stopped only because of the Duke of Weimar, who never wanted to part with his beloved composer.
