Parachute - She (For Liz) (Third Version) Chords and Tabs

Chords and Tabs » P » Parachute - She (For Liz) (Third Version)

Parachute - She (For Liz) (Third Version)

Parachute - She (For Liz) (Third Version) Chords / Tabs

Parachute - She (For Liz) Third Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Parachute. Other chords and tabs for the "She (For Liz)" can find at the bottom of the page.

so, She(For Liz) by Parachute
just the intro which is also played
at points in the song; listen for timing.
All the other versions sound good but I
feel that this one is extremely accurate
*first tab* XD

r-     r-     r-     r-   r--
G|--6--||--8--9--------------4----6-|| repeat twice
D|--6--||--8--9--6--7--2-4--4----6-|| ** or as many times as needed**

r = let ring
***as for the slide, well that's what I do. I let
the power cords ring a bit then slide to the next
set and strum while it might seem a little difficult
or the wording might be weird) its easy enough***
