Eels - Its A Motherfucker (First Version) Chords and Tabs

Chords and Tabs » E » Eels - Its A Motherfucker (First Version)

Eels - Its A Motherfucker (First Version)

Eels - Its A Motherfucker (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Eels - It's A Motherfucker First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Eels. Other chords and tabs for the "It's A Motherfucker" can find at the bottom of the page.

It's a Motherf**ker- eels (from the album Daisies of the Galaxy)
Written by E
There's more going on in the verse here, but it's piano mostly.

It's a Motherf**ker- eels

It's a motherf**ker...
C#   D#   A#
And I won't...





In addition to Chords / Tabs Eels - Its A Motherfucker (First Version), we offer an excerpt from a random book.There, in the past, there was even a war, and New York was brutally bombarded by the enemy; it seems they were Chinese.
