Alice Cooper - Dangerous Tonight (First Version) Chords and Tabs

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Alice Cooper - Dangerous Tonight (First Version)

Alice Cooper - Dangerous Tonight (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Alice Cooper - Dangerous Tonight First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Alice Cooper. Other chords and tabs for the "Dangerous Tonight" can find at the bottom of the page.


Alice Cooper  -- Hey Stoopid




figure:1  Take an another...

Figure: 2 Take another...                         second time*
--2---4--6--4--2--4------6----XXX(pick slide)---|--66------66-------66--------|

Figure: 3 If you let...                                           second time

Figure: 4    I'am dangerous...

Go to intro.*

(that's one of the songs that i know from alice, if you some others ask

In addition to Chords / Tabs Alice Cooper - Dangerous Tonight (First Version), we offer an excerpt from a random book.You bloom, you are more and more beautiful every day And if I could, without melting words, I would tell everyone that they say only yours These two words: tenderness, beauty! * * * It seems to me that my words are flat, That they do not express the essence; Forgive me, - I am without gloss: Just so as not to drown in words.
