King Crimson - Matte Kudasia (First Version) Chords and Tabs

Chords and Tabs » K » King Crimson - Matte Kudasia (First Version)

King Crimson - Matte Kudasia (First Version)

King Crimson - Matte Kudasia (First Version) Chords / Tabs

King Crimson - Matte Kudasia First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) King Crimson. Other chords and tabs for the "Matte Kudasia" can find at the bottom of the page.

Matte Kudasai, by King Crimson, from _Discipline_.  Also on various
compilation CDs and _The Acoustic Adrian Belew_.

NOTE:  I forgot to indicate that you need to play each measure twice on
Chrous Riffs 1a and 1b.  Please edit the file accordingly, replacing the
line titled "segue -> Chorus Riff 1a    Chorus Riff 1b" in the original with
the lines below.

segue ->    Chorus Riff 1a
|_________|_______1_______1______1_____|_____[same as previous]_____________|

Chorus Riff 1b
|_______1_______1______1_____|_____[same as previous]_____________|


Definition of a phallic symbol:  Something that's length exceeds its
breadth and of which your mother wouldn't approve.

In addition to Chords / Tabs King Crimson - Matte Kudasia (First Version), we offer an excerpt from a random book.- Ah, Musenka, how he was waiting for me, how he was waiting for me! I waited with each steamer - and I was dying completely.
