3 Doors Down - I Feel You (Third Version) Chords and Tabs

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3 Doors Down - I Feel You (Third Version)

3 Doors Down - I Feel You (Third Version) Chords / Tabs

3 Doors Down - I Feel You Third Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) 3 Doors Down. Other chords and tabs for the "I Feel You" can find at the bottom of the page.

Band- 3 Doors Down
Song- I Feel You





Verse 1: (00:25)

(2x)  Bridge:




Chorus: |em| |G| |am| |am G| |em| |G| |am| |G| |em| |G| |am| |am G| |em| |G|

Intro to verse 2: (01:32)


Verse 2: (01:44) Same as verse 1 (2x)

Bridge: (02:09)

Chorus: (02:25)

Solo: (02:50)                                                        (4x)





In addition to Chords / Tabs 3 Doors Down - I Feel You (Third Version), we offer an excerpt from a random book.Borodin, no longer doubting his victory, played boldly, supplementing the melody with more and more new sounds, decorating the main theme with colorful and bright harmonies, keeping in the bass the combination doubled by octaves - si-si-si-do-mimi-flat-si-re -si.
