Ocean Colour Scene - Spark And Cindy (First Version) Chords and Tabs

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Ocean Colour Scene - Spark And Cindy (First Version)

Ocean Colour Scene - Spark And Cindy (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Ocean Colour Scene - Spark And Cindy First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Ocean Colour Scene. Other chords and tabs for the "Spark And Cindy" can find at the bottom of the page.

Spark And Cindy with Ocean Colour Scene
This how I think Spark And Cindy is played. I think it sounds quite right.
Em   022000
D    xx0232
C    x32010
A    x02220
G    320011 (or 320001)
Dsu4 xx0233

D Dsus4 D Dsus4 A
D Dsus4 D Dsus4 A
D         A     C       G         A
Spark and Cindy live by their own means
D             A          C    G                  A
They wouldn't have any if I'd only known where they'd been
D          A        G
And I wanna make things a part of my life
D              A          G
And I wanna see that things are going to be right
A                        G
But if you can't even stand on your feet
A                          G
And if you don't own the air that you breathe
D             A
Then it's not for me to say
But I wouldn't live that way
And I wouldn't stand apart
And I wouldn't find the real
And I wouldn't play a part
And I wouldn't find in love
So misguided by some fool
And just what I'm trying to say
Makes my head spin round the room
D Dsus4 D Dsus4 A
D Dsus4 D Dsus4 A
D Dsus4 D Dsus4 A
D Dsus4 A
D          A        G
And I wanna make things a part of my life
D              A          G
And I wanna see that things are going to be right
A                        G
But if you can't even stand on your feet
A                          G
And if you don't own the air that you breathe
D             A
Then it's not for me to say
But I wouldn't live that way
And I wouldn't stand apart
And I wouldn't find the real
And I wouldn't play a part
And I wouldn't find in love
So misguided by some fool
And just what I'm trying to say
A        (G)        (A)
Makes my head spin round the room
D Dsus4 D Dsus4 A
D Dsus4 D Dsus4 A
D Dsus4 D Dsus4 A
D Dsus4 D Dsus4 A

Oscar Widegren

In addition to Chords / Tabs Ocean Colour Scene - Spark And Cindy (First Version), we offer an excerpt from a random book.Not a firm step - everything around is not so, Everything is new, changeable and deceitful.
