Screeching Weasel - Nothing Matters (First Version) Chords and Tabs

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Screeching Weasel - Nothing Matters (First Version)

Screeching Weasel - Nothing Matters (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Screeching Weasel - Nothing Matters First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Screeching Weasel. Other chords and tabs for the "Nothing Matters" can find at the bottom of the page.

Song : Nothing Matters

Intro :
| -------------------- |
| -------------------- |
| --5555555555555555-- |
| --5555555555555555-- |
| --3333333333333333-- |
| -------------------- |

Verse : x2
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| --5555555555555555---------------------------------------------------------- |
| --5555555555555555--9999999999999999--55555555--77777777--9999999999999999-- |
| --3333333333333333--9999999999999999--55555555--77777777--9999999999999999-- |
| --------------------7777777777777777--33333333--55555555--7777777777777777-- |

Chorus : x2
| ---------------------------------------- |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| --55555555--77777777--9999999999999999-- |
| --55555555--77777777--9999999999999999-- |
| --33333333--55555555--7777777777777777-- |

Verse : x3
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| --5555555555555555---------------------------------------------------------- |
| --5555555555555555--9999999999999999--55555555--77777777--9999999999999999-- |
| --3333333333333333--9999999999999999--55555555--77777777--9999999999999999-- |
| --------------------7777777777777777--33333333--55555555--7777777777777777-- |

Chorus : x4
| ---------------------------------------- |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| --55555555--77777777--9999999999999999-- |
| --55555555--77777777--9999999999999999-- |
| --33333333--55555555--7777777777777777-- |

In addition to Chords / Tabs Screeching Weasel - Nothing Matters (First Version), we offer an excerpt from a random book.The oldest of these buildings dates back to the 15th century.
