Veruca Salt - Yeah Man (First Version) Chords and Tabs

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Veruca Salt - Yeah Man (First Version)

Veruca Salt - Yeah Man (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Veruca Salt - Yeah Man First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Veruca Salt. Other chords and tabs for the "Yeah Man" can find at the bottom of the page.


Tuning: Standard

Intro/Verse 1
Bass - no guitar until "...chain you down..."
E E   B          A          E                      B          A

Chorus ("you won't let me down")
E     C     E     C     E     C     E

Verse 2

E E   B          A          E                      B          A

Chorus ("you won't let me down")
E     C     E     C     E     C     E

Bridge ("down down down baby")
E  B  D  A  B B   E  B  D  A   E  B  D  A  B B   E  B  D  A

"you can't save me..."
A A A B  A A A B  A A A B

E     G     A   A#A G
PM....  ....  ...

Verse 3
E E   B          A          E                      B          A

Chorus ("you won't let me down")
E     C     E     C     E     C     E

Bridge ("down down down baby")
E  B  D  A  B B   E  B  D  A   E  B  D  A  B B   E  B  D  A

"you can't save me..."
A A A B  A A A B  A A A B

In addition to Chords / Tabs Veruca Salt - Yeah Man (First Version), we offer an excerpt from a random book.We plugged in the instruments and fell into the music.
