Wannadies - Friends (Second Version) Chords and Tabs

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Wannadies - Friends (Second Version)

Wannadies - Friends (Second Version) Chords / Tabs

Wannadies - Friends Second Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Wannadies. Other chords and tabs for the "Friends" can find at the bottom of the page.

Wannadies - "Friends" from the album Bagsey me

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Please mail corrections, suggestions etc. to me.
If you got any wannadies tabs, please mail me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The chords inside brackets aren't acutally played, but I think it's get
a more powerful sound to play it.


Guitar1:                            Intro (part2)
(4 times)       (4 times)
DD     DD     DD         DDD        D (C#) C        G (G#) A

CCC         CCC


D (C#) C D (C#) C
we go - to places
D (C#) C         D (C#) C
where everything feels amazing
G (G#) A
no need to pretend
G (G#) A
we know we're good friends
D                               A
and that's the way it should be

D (C#) C D (C#) C
then - it's over
D (C#) C D (C#) C
a beautiful girl absorbed you
G (G#) A
for you it's a game
G (G#) A
and I'm in your way
G (G#) A              A
I have to make sure - I'm not ignored

Play this 2 times during the chorus:

D G A                               D G A



(4 times)
D (C#) C


Verse 2: (same as Verse 1)

(and after the chorus it goes:)


(and after that bass only 4 times)

(one, two, three, four!)

and then instrumental intro part 2, with this slightly changed at the end:

guitar 2:



(8 times)
D (C#) C

ends on D

In addition to Chords / Tabs Wannadies - Friends (Second Version), we offer an excerpt from a random book.Most of all I remember one colorful pair.
