Cornell Chris - Sweet Euphoria (First Version) Chords and Tabs

Chords and Tabs » C » Cornell Chris - Sweet Euphoria (First Version)

Cornell Chris - Sweet Euphoria (First Version)

Cornell Chris - Sweet Euphoria (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Cornell Chris - Sweet Euphoria First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Cornell Chris. Other chords and tabs for the "Sweet Euphoria" can find at the bottom of the page.

hi everyone.  this is a song i figured out today.  i really like it and i
didn't know if anyone else was looing for it, so i'm posting it.  some of
the chords aren't exactly right (i think they are in the bridge), but i
can't find anything that will fit right now.

(i think that's the name.  it's by chris cornell and it's on the euphoria
morning cd.)



a g f
c dm e
a e a f
a e f#m
f c dm am d e

c a dm a7 d a7
f#m  (strum the top strings and then the bass strings)
e(same here)
f a d e

second chorus:
c a dm a7 d a7
f#m  (strum the top strings and then the bass strings)
e(same here)
f a f a f a f a d e

a g f
f g a
