Mitchell Kim - Go For Soda (First Version) Chords and Tabs

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Mitchell Kim - Go For Soda (First Version)

Mitchell Kim - Go For Soda (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Mitchell Kim - Go For Soda First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Mitchell Kim. Other chords and tabs for the "Go For Soda" can find at the bottom of the page.

Go for a Soda
by the God of Guitar---KIM MITCHELL


1 h 3 p 1----1----------------------------------------------------------|


/ Jody O'Halloran        You ask em, "Where's my motor,  /
/                       "Well, it was eaten by snakes... /
/                       While your children is sleepin'  /
/                       Yer puppy is cr*ppin - Zappa ->Flakes


Kim Mitchell

The opening lick of this spiffy guitar classic is played within the F chord

Guitar is standard tuning, but the bass guitar is tuned down to Eb.
I've included a finger guide beneath each tab bar.
1=index, 2=bird, 3=ring, 4=pinky

H=hammer on
P=pull off
/=slide up to this position

GUITAR INTRO (play once, then play behind vocal)
1 3 1         3   2   3  1 2 3    1&2  1 1      1 4   4 3 4 1 3 1

"Might as well go for a soda, nobody hurts and nobody cries
Might as well go for a soda, nobody drowns and nobody dies"

First chorus ends with an F power chord in the high position that slides
down to an Eb

1 3&4

The verse is pounded out on bass guitar, F and Eb notes (remember, bass
guitar is tuned down ONE, so the bass notes alternate between first string,
second fret and open bottom string.)

"So we're in one of our blue moods,
you wanna have it your way and I want it mine.
All this debating going round in our blue mood
makes me thirsty for love"

After the vocal line, the lead guitar lick is as follows:

The power chords for the chorus riff are as follows:

Chorus lyric:
Might as well go for a soda, nobody hurts and nobody cries
Might as well go for a soda, nobody drowns and nobody dies"

Next verse:
"Life seems to be a bomb in inside your head
well the bomb is mine is love.
All this debating going round in our blue mood
makes me thirsty for love"

Might as well go for a soda, nobody hurts and nobody cries
Might as well go for a soda, nobody drowns and nobody dies
Might as well go for a soda, it's better than slander
it's better than lies
Might as well go for a soda, nobody hurts and nobody cries
Might as well go for a soda"

Lead solo.
Any one care to transcribe?

Might as well go for a soda, nobody hurts and nobody cries
Might as well go for a soda, nobody drowns and nobody dies
Might as well go for a soda, it's better than slander
it's better than lies
Might as well go for a soda, nobody hurts and nobody cries
Might as well go for a soda"

That's essentially it. Any questions?
