Barrett Syd - Late Night (First Version) Chords and Tabs

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Barrett Syd - Late Night (First Version)

Barrett Syd - Late Night (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Barrett Syd - Late Night First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Barrett Syd. Other chords and tabs for the "Late Night" can find at the bottom of the page.

Here are the backing chords to Syd Barrett's "Late Night"
anyone could help me work up a nice solo acoustic arrangement, I'd
be grateful.

I have not tabbed out the
solo/slide guitar parts, because I figure one may as well play
whatever one feels, but if there's interest in a tab of the
parts from the album, I could give it a shot.

Corrections, of course, are most welcome.

"Late Night" by Syd Barrett

Note:  CaddG = x32013

B                A
When I woke up today
And you weren't there to play
Then I wanted to be with you

When you showed me your eyes
Whispered love the skies             (???)
Then I wanted to stay with you

CaddG       Am(?)
Inside me I feel
CaddG       Am
Alone and unreal
And the way you kiss
G                     D
Will always be a very special thing to me

When I lay still at night
Seeing stars high and light
Then I wanted to be with you

When the rooftops shone dark
All alone saw a spark
Spark of love just to stay with you

Inside me I feel...

If I mention your name
Turn around on a chain
Then the sky opens up for you

When we grew very tall
When I saw you so small
Then I wanted to stay with you

Inside me I feel...
