Las - Feelin (Second Version) Chords and Tabs

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Las - Feelin (Second Version)

Las - Feelin (Second Version) Chords / Tabs

Las - Feelin Second Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Las. Other chords and tabs for the "Feelin" can find at the bottom of the page.

Feelin' by The La's.  This is my first tab, so forgive mistakes.

Other tabs on here do not reflect the way Lee Mavers plays this on all the video
clips I have seen, so this is my
interpretation of how he does it. Probably not that accurate, but it
might give you a start.

Quite a lot of muting with the right hand, the rythm is simple enough to get.

Standard tuning

Intro: -

| A          | A          | A          | A          | E  riff         |
|            |            |            |            |                 |

Verse/Solo section - just sing the solo like Lee does, ha ha!: -

| A          | A          | A          | A          |
|            |            |            |            |

I woke up with a feelin'   I found me lying on the floor

| Fm         | Fm         | D          | D          |
|            |            |            |            |

Look up at the ceilin'     I must be dreamin'

| A          | A          | A          | A          |
|            |            |            |            |

When I get that feelin'    Oh my Lord I can't takes no..

Run at the end of the verse: -

| E     C7   | C#7   D7   | Bm7 riff        |
|            |            |                 |


at the end (there are different endings in different verison i have
seen/heard - this is pretty simple - the bass line decends, but i reckon
the guitar part is simply like this): -

| A     C7   | C#7   D7   | Bm7|
|            |            |    |

Additional lyrics (various slight variations between recordings)

I can't stop that feelin', it just goes on for ever more,
What we believe in, is just a feelin'.
Thank God for that feelin' oh my Lord I can't takes no more

I get the feelin', I am responding to a call,
I am receivin', to give you that feelin'.
Eyes up for that feelin', I could not ask for any more
