Albert King - Personal Manager (First Version) Chords and Tabs

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Albert King - Personal Manager (First Version)

Albert King - Personal Manager (First Version) Chords / Tabs

Albert King - Personal Manager First Version: chords and tabs for the song. Watch chords and tablatures for all songs of the singer (group) Albert King. Other chords and tabs for the "Personal Manager" can find at the bottom of the page.


>Anyone have the lead down.  I know it is 1 4 5 in the key of G, and I have a couple parts, 'bout the
20 secs. of the solo.  Someone has to have this masterpiece, right?  Matt

My teacher and I (well, mainly my teacher) figured this out a while ago.
I needed the half-speed tape player to get some of these parts.
I'd love to see any other Albert King solos if anyone has them.

^b      Vibrato  sl                V      V      ^b     ^b   ^r

^b    ^b    ^b                    ^b             ^b  ^r&s ^b    ^b

^b       v    p               ^b            ^            v

:    7x    :
^b   ^r  :   ^b     :        ^b      ^b    v                  ^b

^b                        ^b         ^b

^b            ^b                ^b                  ^b

^b      ^b       ^b          ^b            ^b

sl   ^b      ^b      ^b      ^b      ^b

^b        sl  ^b           ^h ^p      ^b    ^b     ^b

:   5x    :
^b          ^b   ^r  :   ^b    :   ^b                 sl

/sl                        /sl
